Home prenatal vitamins 5 best gummy prenatal vitamins

5 best gummy prenatal vitamins

5 best gummy prenatal vitamins

Gummy prenatal vitamins are usually not as nutrient-filled as prenatal vitamins in pills. However, they come in useful in some cases.

Prenatal vitamins have been the major savior of pregnant women when it comes to providing the necessary nutrients to nourish them and give their baby the development they need. They are available in different forms, most popularly, in pills but they are also available as gums.

Generally, gummy prenatal vitamins are popular among pregnant mothers or women that are preparing to get pregnant but have issues swallowing pills. The gummy prenatal vitamins are also called chewable prenatal vitamins and there are some concerns regarding their suitability for pregnant women despite the abundance of the needed vitamins they carry.

In this article, we will talk about the best gummy prenatal vitamins that are available in the market. We will also have a look at reasons for the adoption of gummy prenatal vitamins, by some people, in place of pills and the drawbacks in consuming gummy prenatal vitamins.

Understanding Prenatal Vitamins

Nutrition is important in the lives of every living organism. It sustains life, function of its organs and other cellular and metabolic activities that goes on in its system. During reproduction, an immense amount of nutrient is needed. A big part of these nutrients is supplied through the food we eat, in this case, the food the woman eats. However, some nutrient requirements are not met by our daily meal.

Micro-nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that are essential in body part development cannot be exclusively gotten from our foods, hence the need for supplements in the form of prenatal vitamins.

Prenatal vitamins are not substituting for real food, they are supplements that help to supply needed nutrients, especially micro-nutrients, to the body. It can be used by individuals who wish to nourish their body with vitamins and minerals that they do not easily get from their day to day meals. However, it is more commonly used by women who are planning to get pregnant, already pregnant, and those who are lactating.

Prenatal vitamins are rich sources of many vitamins and minerals that aid in the development of organs in a fetus and continued development of these organs and their functions in infants and adults. They, therefore, promote good health in the mother, and aid growth and development in the child.

They are available over the counter and can also be prescribed by a doctor. The difference that exists between these options is that prescribed prenatal vitamins are higher in vitamins than the ones available over the counter.

Gummy Prenatal Vitamins

We know what prenatal vitamins are but what are gummy prenatal vitamins?

They are prenatal vitamins too, only that they come in the form of gums. They are chewable and are preferable to pills, even though they generally do not have as much nutrient, due to their ease of consumption.

Despite this advantage, there are concerns on some attributes of gummy prenatal vitamins. Some of them are:

  • Excess sugar

The sweetness of most gummy prenatal vitamins is due to the amount of sugar they contain. This is to make it taste like the normal gum but it raises the issue of increased blood sugar level when it is consumed about twice daily for months.

  • Artificial sweeteners

In a bid to make the gummy prenatal vitamins sweet, artificial sweeteners that add flavors may be used. Most of these sweeteners are synthetic and could be of adverse effects to the mother and child.

  • Lesser nutrient content

Gummy prenatal vitamins are mostly available over the counter. They, therefore, have lesser number of nutrients in them compared to prenatal vitamins in pills. Some of these gummy prenatal vitamins lack iron, choline, or even DHA.

These are important nutrients to look out for in prenatal vitamins, generally.

Best Gummy Prenatal Vitamins

  1. Women’s Prenatal Gummy Multivitamins

From the stables of one a day, a household name in the prenatal vitamins department, women’s prenatal gummy multivitamins do not contain iron. However, it contains such nutrients as vitamin D for healthy bone formation.

It also contains folic acid, responsible for the development of the brain and spinal cord. It improves the cognitive ability of infants when they are continuously used after birth. It also supports good thyroid function as it contains iodine.

It is suitable for individuals that are intolerant to dairy, gluten, soy, nuts, and fish allergens.

  1. Vitafusion Prenatal Gummy Vitamins

vitafusion gummy prenatal vitamins

Vitafusion gummy prenatal vitamins are rich in folic acid and omega-3. These two nutrients are essential in brain development as well as improving cardiovascular health. It not only helps the baby’s brain develop well; it gives the mother a better heart health. Folic acid is also an important nutrient in blood formation.

This gummy prenatal vitamin does not contain iron. Therefore, you will have to get another supplement to provide you iron. It is best you discuss this with your doctor before taking any action.

Vitafusion prenatal gummy vitamins are gluten free and employ natural flavors to attain its sweetness.

  1. Essential Prenatal Gummies

essential gummy prenatal vitamins

Provide your body with the necessary micro-nutrients with this gummy prenatal vitamin. It contains 13 different nutrients, all important, including iodine and folic acid. It also contains DHA and omega-3.

Its nutritive constituents will provide your baby with rapid brain development, sharp optical organ, and strong immunity.

  1. Alive Gummy Prenatal Multivitamin

Alive Gummy Prenatal Multivitamins are a good choice for vegans. It is made from mainly plant source and contains nutrients that support mother and child health and promotes baby development.

It is gluten-free, vegan friendly and flavored with natural strawberry and lemon fruit.

It also contains nutrients such as DHA (usually gotten from fish) gotten from plants to avoid mercury poisoning. From this prenatal vitamin, you can get nine nutrients at the required daily recommendation. It contains 14 vitamins and minerals in total.

It is advisable that you consult your doctor before you start to chew on this gummy prenatal vitamin. However, it is recommended that pregnant women chew three gummies daily.

  1. Olly’s The Essential Prenatal

This is one of the best gummy prenatal vitamins that contain a complete daily requirement of nutrients in its dosage. Its bottle contains 60 citrus flavored gummies that provide mother and child with the essential good fat, omega-3. It also contains DHA which is important in the development of the baby’s brain.

It provides the body with a complete daily requirement of niacin, vitamin B6, B12, D, and folic acid.


The importance of prenatal vitamins is apparent to you now, if it wasn’t. ensure that you get yourself ad your baby a dose of the essential vitamins and minerals they provide. If the pills seem too big for you to swallow and the uncomfortable return it sometimes wants to make feels like you want to throw-up, opt for gummy prenatal vitamins.

Most of them do not contain Iron. Therefore, consult your doctor for an Iron prescription.